Tuesday, July 3, 2007


...Origami doesn't just cover still-lifes; origami can move in clever ways. Action origami includes origami that flies, requires inflation to complete, or, when complete, utilizes the kinetic energy of your hands applied at a certain reion on the model and transfers it through an internal mechanism to move another flap or limb. Strictly speaking only the latter is really "recognized" as action origami. Action origami, first appearing with the traditional Japanese flapping bird, is quite common with Robert Lang's instrumentalists; when the figures' heads are pulled away from their bodies, their hands will move, resembling to play music...http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Origami

wikiHow - paper crafts
origami - the ancient art of paper folding - forum
asian fanatics forum - handcrafts
british origami society

open directory project - origami

the fistful frog
origami tessellations
ghh - leter&envelope folding
free origami diagrams - folding a rose

origami instructions
expert vilage - how to video site

amazing money origami

gilad's origami - origami swami

tuvy - origami

brumbaer's homepage
HGTV - crafts, origami,fabric origami
opane - origami, chinese medicine, characters

origami database
easter eggs
treasure box

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